Research About GROW
We encourage our members in GROW to cooperate with the professional help they may need. Research shows that mutual help groups are an important part of recovery.
Research conducted by Dr Lisabeth Finn
Dr Lisabeth Finn at Curtin University in Western Australia found that "Grow's major advantage is that it offers a ‘real life' mini-community where people can develop new skills. The benefits are concrete in terms of developing communication, social, life management and problem solving skills. But there are also improvements in the less tangible ‘quality of life' arena which come via gradual identity transformation in terms of development of a sense of being useful, valuable and belonging."
Read the most recent article based on Dr. Finn's research: "Capturing dynamic processes of change in Grow mutual help groups for mental health" by Finn, L., Bishop, B & Sparrow, N. (2009). American Journal of Community Psychology, 44, 302-315.
This research builds on more than 16 years of research during the 80's and 90's into GROWin the United States by Professor Julian Rappaport at the University of Illinois and a doctoral study of mutual help undertaken by Professor Jim Young at the University of Tasmania.
Research conducted by Briony L. Kercheval
A thesis by Briony L. Kercheval submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Applied Psychology (Community) School of Psychology, Faculty of Arts Victoria University, Footscray, Victoria, Australia, March, 2005.
Click here to read Briony's research: Women's experiences at GROW: ‘There's an opportunity there to grow way beyond what you thought you could...'
Research conducted by Jennifer Evans
In 2012, Jennifer Evans a Masters student from the Department of Psychology at University of Western Sydney investigated the experience of belonging in GROW . Jennifer’s research identified three distinct but interrelated stages in the formation of belonging including the cultivation of a sense of safety, authenticity of expression, and friendship formation.
Click here to read the executive summary of Jennifer Evans' research
Click here to read Jennifer Evans' thesis: The Experience of Belonging in the Mutual Help Group GROW.
Mike Watts research on GROW GROWing towards recovery: a re-enchantment with life Presentations from the GROW conference held on 11th
Julian Rappaport Research University of Illinois Patrick W. Corrigan, Psy.D., et al.
Mutual help groups: an important gateway to wellbeing and ... › Mutual_help_groups_an_i...
Fourteen mental health self-help/mutual aid groups in England were studied. ... Lisabeth D Finn, c/o Dr Brian Bishop, Curtin University, Box U1987, Perth, ...
Read the most recent article based on Dr. Finn's research: "Capturing dynamic processes of change in Grow mutual help groups for mental health" by Finn, L., Bishop, B & Sparrow, N. (2009). American Journal of Community Psychology, 44, 302-315.
This research builds on more than 10 years of research during the 80's and 90's into GROWin the United States by Professor Julian Rappaport at the University of Illinois and a doctoral study of mutual help undertaken by Professor Jim Young at the University of Tasmania.
Research conducted by Briony L. Kercheval
A thesis by Briony L. Kercheval submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Applied Psychology (Community) School of Psychology, Faculty of Arts Victoria University, Footscray, Victoria, Australia, March, 2005.
Click here to read Briony's research: Women's experiences at GROW: ‘There's an opportunity there to grow way beyond what you thought you could...'
Mike Watts research on GROW GROWing towards recovery: a re-enchantment with life Presentations from the GROW conference held on 11th
Research conducted by Jennifer Evans
In 2012, Jennifer Evans a Masters student from the Department of Psychology at University of Western Sydney investigated the experience of belonging in GROW . Jennifer’s research identified three distinct but interrelated stages in the formation of belonging including the cultivation of a sense of safety, authenticity of expression, and friendship formation.
Click here to read the executive summary of Jennifer Evans' research
Click here to read Jennifer Evans' thesis: The Experience of Belonging in the Mutual Help Group GROW.
Julian Rappaport Research University of Illinois Patrick W. Corrigan, Psy.D., et al. links bellow to reserch