About Us

What does the name "GROW" signify?

The goal of GROW is recovery and personal growth, and the name “GROW” represents this goal. Recovery and personal growth are, after all, one continuously active process that is common to all humanity.

 Our History

GROW was founded in Australia in 1957 by former mental patients who found their way to recovery together and created a program that worked. Gradually the organization evolved into an international mental health movement with branches in the USA (Illinois, New Jersey and Alaska), Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Trinidad/Tobago.

GROW's Four Essential Features

GROW has a unique method of recovery and personal growth known as “The Four Essential Features.” These four elements include a network of mutual help groups, a written “Program of Recovery and Personal Growth,” a “Caring and Sharing Community” and an organizational and legal structure. 

LEADERSHIP:  Leaders foster, protect, and share the Four Essential Features of GROW for one major reason -- because GROW has worked in their own lives. Because it has worked for them, they know it can also work for others.  Future GROW leaders join a group out of personal need but eventually discover that one solution to their own problems lies in helping others. Leaders become companions and friends to those in need and fill many other essential roles – such as that of group “Organizer,” leadership team member, and staff person.